The Grosse Schweizer Sennenhunde Worldwide Database (GSSHWWDB) was created to help preserve the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog breed by providing free online health and pedigree information to breeders and owners worldwide. Our goal is to identify and track health issues in this breed through data submission. Future endeavors are to provide data to support scientific research into the causes and cures for diseases within the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog breed.
This database will allow breeders, fanciers, owners and researchers free access to the only online collection of pedigree and health information available for the Greater Swiss Mountain dog breed. Everyone is encouraged to create a profile for their Swissy, add health certificates, pedigree information, litter information, photos, and most importantly, update the database with all health related issues, including age and cause of death. All purebred Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs are welcome and encouraged to be entered into the database.
The more information the database accumulates, the better choices breeders can make for this breed going forward. Ultimately, researchers can use the database to track health trends within the breed and target areas of needed research studies. If you would like to submit data about your dog, click on “submit data” at the top of the page and follow the link directions.
This site is a free site available to anyone that would like to use it. It is through the generosity and charitable donations of the founding members of the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Health Foundation, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, that the Grosse Schweizer Sennenhund Worldwide Database has come to fruition! Donations in any amount are appreciated and tax deductible! Click here for more information on how to donate!