Bottom of page under Submitting Data, select Go To Submission Forms:

Choose Add/Update Health Information:

If you don’t know your dog’s ID, select Lookup:

Type in information on your dog and Submit Search:

It will populate your dog’s ID into the field so hit Continue then Confirm.
This will bring up the submission form. Fill out with as much detail as possible.
Upload diagnosis documents from a vet etc. if you have them. Without documentation the information is still important, it will be marked anecdotal.
Select Send the Health Info at the bottom:

This will send it to one of our Data Operators who will review and post!
If your dog is not in the database we can add the dog or build the litter for you. We need the sire/dam registration name and or numbers as well as your dog’s registered name and or number. If you need further assistance you can contact Sandi at
Type in information on your dog and Submit Search: