Welcome to the GSSHWWDB (Grosse Schweizer Sennenhunde Worldwide Database)
Please note that our foundational data set of 47,000 plus GSMD contains verified data which had been collected through extensive research, voluntary submissions from supporters, as well as imported data from The Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) and European health registries.
At our launch in July 2022, we have drafted the following policies for users to submit information:
Please check to be sure that your dog is not already entered prior to entering in the database!
Who is eligible?
• The GSSHWWDB is for purebred Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs only. Crosses or mixes are not permitted.
• Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs not registered with an official kennel club registry are permitted, however the dog’s parents must be registered with either the AKC, British Kennel Club, Canadian Kennel Club, FCI or FCI associated Clubs.
• Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs adopted via a rescue program are eligible if parentage is verifiable.
Who can submit data?
• Anyone who owns, co-owns, or has bred or co-bred a Greater Swiss Mountain Dog may add or update data on that dog. This includes deceased dogs that were owned, co-owned, bred or co-bred.
• Breeders can submit data on their own dogs and those they have bred or co-bred.
• Owners or co-owners can submit data only for dogs that they own (or deceased dogs that they owned in the past).
• Anonymous submissions of data are not accepted.
• For disputes between breeders and owners, the current owner of record where the dog resides shall take precedent.
• GSSHWWDB will not be responsible for resolving disputes between breeders, owners or co-owners.
Certification/Test information
All certification and test results must be verified prior to inclusion in the database. This will take place by one of the following methods:
• The information is provided in a file directly by a testing agency (i.e. veterinary office, genetic testing agency, university, OFA, PennHIP).
• The information is available on a public forum or website of a testing agency (e.g. OFA, PennHIP, Better Bred or national kennel club).
• The owner or breeder provides the database with an unaltered copy of the certificate issued by the testing organization.
• The owner or breeder provides the database with an unaltered copy of an examination done at a clinic (i.e. OFA, PennHIP, ophthalmology, cardiology clinics).
• The information is on a certified pedigree from an official internationally recognized registry (i.e. AKC, CKC, FCI, national or internationally recognized organization)
• Results of tests will not be displayed for tests that are not direct mutation, predictive DNA tests. The database will only display the fact that the dog was tested.
• Clear by parentage is allowed for direct mutation DNA gene tests like P2Y12, vonWillebrand, DM for one generation only. This means the following:
â—¦ Both the sire and the dam must have an actual test result of Clear (not simply by parentage).
â—¦ The sire, the dam, AND the pup getting the new clear by parentage must have an AKC DNA profile number.
â—¦ Because of the possibility of gene mutations, clear by parentage is only allowed for one generation.
Health & Disease Information
Owners and Breeders of a dog may submit information to a dog’s health record regarding health conditions and diseases. Owners or Breeders that submit health/disease data without accompanying documentation will be marked as anecdotal until which time a veterinary report with diagnosis is submitted. At that time the data will be recorded as verified.
We encourage owners and breeders to submit photos of individual dogs (up to 4). One photo should be a side view of the dog standing. Consider entering various stages of your dog, such as puppy, mature adult or senior pictures at work or play. GSSHWWDB has the right to edit, crop or resize the submitted pictures. We discourage owners and breeders from resubmitting, frequently changing (not just updating) pictures or continuously submitting new “win shots” as this can be burdensome on our volunteers. Additionally, if copyrighted photos are submitted, it is the responsibility of the submitting person to obtain permission for use on these photos.
The GSSWWDB is an open public database. Inclusion of a breeder in this database is not an endorsement of that breeder, his or her breeding program, or his or her breeding practices.
GSSWWDB will endeavor to ensure the accuracy of our data, but human errors can occur. When submitting pedigrees, it is preferable to have owners and breeders send copies of certified pedigrees. In instances where a certified pedigree is unavailable, the database will do its best to fill in missing pedigree information. Additionally, if you suspect an error in a pedigree, please contact us using one of the email links below and we will investigate and correct when possible.