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“…But the GSSH is a dog for the week days, not for Sunday. And for the time being, we have six weekdays and but one Sunday.”  -M. Magron

2021 News update for the GSSHWWDB has been restructured and the 501c3 is now official. We are accepting Founding Member pledges of $300-$500-$1000 and pledges may be made on the donate page. Funds will be spent on software and IT support from Gary Galunas who developed the software for the Berner Garde Pedigree and Health Database. Other expenses include insurance, filing fees and other miscellaneous expenses. All expenses will be documented in a transparent expense report. Excess donations will be retained for subsequent year’s expenses to ensure that the project continues into the future. We currently have over 47,000 GSSH/GSMD in the database. Now that the database is live we will accept new dogs and health information for review and be accepting photos.

President - Tracey MacEachern
Vice President - April Wojcik
Treasurer - Sandi Snyder
Secretary - Alison Burns Woods
Karen Conant
Jonathan Bastian
Rebecca Martin

Founding Members to date:

Cathy Cooper
Martha Tubman
Mary Jo Rasmussen
Karen Conant
Jonathan Bastian
Holly Webb
Lori Ciccone
Tracy MacEachern
Alison and John Woods
Valerie Valle
Jan Smith Clifford
Teri Anderson May
Jennifer Logan
Megan Lewis
Judy Brown Fletcher
Kathleen Borgmeyer
Tom Roberts
Carol Price
Debra Perelman


April Wojcik
Rebecca Plamondon Martin
Cathy & John Scott
Melissa Jarriel
Jeff Zabinski
Pamela and Justin Boudreau
Lisa England
Sandi & Todd Snyder
Tania Michael Canfield
Regula Schwab
Kim Woolard
Sarah Jensen
Kelly Stover
Crooked River Swissy Club
Robert McCormick
Amy Neal
Laura Bullock
Leah Wimberly

Email dog/data submissions to: 

© 2022

Snail Mail & Donations may be mailed to:
Sandi Snyder
PO BOX 987
Castle Rock, CO  80104

Questions or comments:


Mission Statement:

The Grosser Schweizer Sennenhund World Wide Data Base (GSSHWWDB) was established to serve the international community of Greater Swiss Mountain Dog owners, fanciers, and breeders as a 501(c)(3) charitable foundation.  This open resource enables the preservation of the breed through the collection, maintenance and sharing of health and ancestry records.


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